The Southern Star Rotex Club is an organisation of students who have participated in a cross-cultural exchange throughout the world through the Rotary Youth Exchange Program of District 9640 Australia. We also welcome former RYEP participants who went abroad through other districts and now reside in District 9640.
Southern Star Rotex members are generally aged 16-26, and work with Rotary and the Youth Exchange Committee to help orientate and advise exchange students soon to be going abroad (outbounders) and inbound Rotary Exchange students from all over the world who are spending a year in District 9640. This includes participating in candidate interviews and orientations as well as periodic inbound weekends and other activities.
Rotex club members also meet to support each other and newly returned Rotary exchange students as they adjust to their new lives as bi-cultural global citizens, and hold events and activities to maintain strong connections and friendships between rebound students.
Older rebounders who are not official members of Southern Star Rotex can get involved in events and activities, and offer further assistance, support and counsel to the Rotexers as requested. Many Rotexers are now members of Rotaract and Rotary, and serve on the District 9640 Youth Exchange Committee.
For more information, email
Our Committee leadership team
Our 2022/2023 Southern Star ROTEX Committee leadership team is:
PRESIDENT: Taylor Randall (Netherlands 2020, Virtual – Brazil 2021)
VICE PRESIDENT: Joseph Christensen (Switzerland 2019)
TREASURER: Anna Henderson (Italy 2020)
SECRETARY: Lily Taylor (Denmark 2020)
Get in contact with us
Instagram @Southern_Star_ROTEX
Facebook @Sothern Star ROTEX
TikTok @Southern_Star_ROTEX
Rotary Opens Opportunities – ROTEX at D9640 Conference 2021 ROTEX Charter 2021 ROTEX at District Change Over 2021 ROTEX at Rotary Youth Exchange Australia Conference 2022 ROTEX and Alumni of D9640 ROTEX Social Catch Up
What is Rotex?

Rotex is a society of past Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) alumni that engages with current Inbounds and Outbounds to better their exchange experience overall.
Rotex acts as a ‘middleman’ between Rotary Clubs and exchange students by supporting Rotarians throughout the RYE program via mentoring students while on exchange, organising trips and events for Outbounds, Inbounds, and Rebounds, and ultimately being the voice for RYE exchange students in many cities, districts, and countries in the Rotary world.
We see Rotexers as potential future Rotarians and therefore aim to develop the next generation of Rotarians who have first-hand Rotary experience.
For more information on Rotex visit the Rotex International website.