Calendar of Events & Key Dates

Key dates in the 2024/25 Youth Exchange District 9640 calendar:

15 December 2025 long-term applications open
4 January 2024 short-term applications open
January2024 long-term students departLong-term students from South America and Asia arrive.
24 January 7:30pm AESTShort Term Exchange Virtual Information Night. Register here.
2-4 FebruaryInbound Orientation Camp – Helensvale, Gold Coast. Compulsory attendance for all long term and short term inbound students. Optional attendance for short term rebound exchange buddies.
13 February 7:30pm AESTLong Term Exchange Information Night (virtual) #1. Register here.
28 February2024 short-term applications close (Germany and Finland) – preliminary application must be submitted.
16/18 February – 1/2 MarchRock to Beach Safari trip with D9790. Optional trip for inbound students.
3 March 4pm AESTLong Term Exchange Information Night (virtual) #2. Register here.
13 March 7:30pm AESTLong Term Exchange Information Night (virtual) #3. Register here.
30 March/15 AprilApplications close for 2025 long term program on 30 March. Students in NSW can submit their applications until 15 April.
Applications close for 2024 short term program (Argentina and Indonesia) close on the same dates.
Preliminary applications for both must be submitted.
Early MarchClub and District Interviews: Germany and Finland Short Term.
Late March/Early April2024 short term exchange buddy matching completed (Germany and Indonesia).
30 March – 15 AprilLong term sponsor club interviews and selections take place.
15 AprilSponsor club confirmations for 2025 long term outbound program due.
30 April2024 short term global fee due (Germany)
4 May (and possibly 5 May)2025 outbound applicants district interview weekend at Ashmore on the Gold Coast. Compulsory attendance on one day for all outbound applicants and at least one parent/guardian. Please note this is a long weekend in Queensland. See second interview date option on 19 May.Inbound students to attend district interview weekend if possible to present ‘country fair’.
17 – 19 MayDistrict 9640 Annual Conference – Ballina. Compulsory attendance for all inbound students.
19 May2025 outbound applicants district interviews at Lennox Head Cultural Centre. This is primarily for NSW students but some Queensland students who are unable to attend on 4/5 May may also attend this interview day.
By 1 June2024 long term students notified if their application is successful. Country and Rotary Club matching commences.
Mid JuneShort term students from Germany arrive.
30 June 2024 short term exchange buddy matching complete (Argentina)
30 July2025 long term global fee due.
2024 short term global fee due (Argentina)
July/AugustEuropean and North American long-term inbound students arrive.
Early AugustShort term students from Indonesia arrive.
16-18 AugustOutbound Orientation Camp #1 and Inbound Orientation Camp – Koonjewarre, Springbrook. Compulsory attendance for all long term and short term inbound and outbound students.
2024 long term students advised of destination country.
See outbound column.
Mid-SeptemberShort term students to Argentina depart.Short term students from Germany and Indonesia depart.
4 – 12 OctoberTrip to the Tropics.
Optional trip to Cairns, including the Great Barrier Reef and Daintree, for inbound students.
Early NovemberShort term students to Germany depart.
29 November – 1 DecemberOutbound Orientation Camp #2 – North Star Holiday Park, Hastings Point. Compulsory attendance for all long term outbound and long term and short term inbound students.See outbound column.
15 December 2026 long term applications open.
Mid-DecemberShort term students to Argentina return.Short term students from Argentina arrive.
January2024 long term outbound students return to Australia. 2025 long term outbound students depart.2024 long term inbound students from South America and Asia depart. 2025 long term inbound students from South America and Asia arrive.
Late January/Early FebruaryShort term students to Germany return.
7 – 9 FebruarySee inbound column.Inbound Orientation Camp at Camp Drewe, Lennox Head, for new students from Asia and South America. Rebound Orientation Camp for returned outbound students. Compulsory attendance for all 23/24 long term and short term inbound students and all 2024 rebound students. Optional attendance for short term rebound buddies.
Early AprilShort term students from Argentina return.
30 MarchLong term applications for 2026 close.
4 May 2025 Adelaide to Uluru Safari, with optional trip to Sydney.
Optional trip for inbound students.

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